
Recordia compatibility
Recordia compatibility

These corals come in astounding palettes (why else would hobbyists love them so much?). Finally, the colors available can supply a hint. yuma counterpart? Color spreads out at random. florida allows distributes in distinctive rings. As you move out from that center reference point, focus on the individual tentacles. In comparison, R.a yuma clusters tentacles tight to the mouth. florida keeps the oral disc separate from the clusters of tentacles. To start, you need to look at the arrangement of the tentacles around the oral disk. The confusion crops up in the fish store) Luckily, you can look for three areas to tell the two apart: (Obviously, when you’re diving or snorkeling in their ranges, that isn’t a problem. If you don’t see the two species next to one another, it’s easy to get them confused. But in the tropical regions? That oral disc perches on a shorter base, with equally squat tentacles. In the temperature zone, you’ll see long, dramatic columns. You can find members of the group throughout the ocean – mostly due to their habit of taking over reefs in a sweeping “carpet.” The temperature of the water determines the overall shape the corallimorph will take. Ricordea belong to a particular group known as corallimorphs. yuma is more challenging to maintain than R.

recordia compatibility

Water Quality: Standard reef tank water parameters.Aggression Level: Semi-aggressive Don’t let it touch or crowd neighboring corals.

recordia compatibility

  • Scientific Names: Ricordea florida and Ricordea yuma.
  • Common Names: Ricordea mushroom, Flower mushroom.

  • Recordia compatibility